Today’s learning spaces call for flexible furnishing solutions. Whether you’re outfitting K-12 or higher education learning environments, versatility in the furniture you choose is vital to student engagement, getting the most from your budget, and being prepared for unexpected shifts in pedagogy, such as the recent pandemic-associated challenges. While criteria vary based on setting, here are some general considerations that shouldn’t be overlooked.
1. Cleanability: Are the tables, chairs and accessory furnishings such as carts and casegoods easy to clean and disinfect, and will they stand up to frequent cleaning and exposure to cleansers?
2. Portability: Is the furniture easy to move, enabling quick reconfiguration of a given space or allowing instructors to seamlessly relocate their personal training aids, chair or stool?
3. Safety and Well-being: Is the furniture ergonomic, and designed for the age range and abilities of intended users? In the case of folding tables, is they easy to fold and deploy by one person? Are furnishings LEED-compliant and/or GREENGUARD-certified?
4. Durability: Is the furniture constructed and feature materials and components warranted to protect your investment and provide many years of trouble-free use?
5. Creativity: Does the furniture feature special shapes, branding or functionality that enhances communication, inspires young minds to think differently or provides space planners with unconventional options?
If you’re on the market for new seating, tables, carts or book trucks for your school, university or training center, we’d welcome the opportunity to share how BioFit products meet these criteria. Contact your rep today to learn more.